Welcome to CALOHEA

Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning
Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia

Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia

Subject Area Groups

Seeking to impact Higher education in the ASEAN region,
CALOHEA operates through 3 Subject Area Groups

Seeking to impact Higher education in the ASEAN region, CALOHEA operates through 3 Subject Area Groups

Civil Engineering


Teacher Education

Recognition Mechanisms

Three lines of work correspond to three necessary Recognition Mechanisms at an institutional and regional level.
31 institutions across 13 countries over 2 continents are partnering up to drive institutional progress within management operations
and the internationalization of higher education within the region.

Three lines of work correspond to three necessary Recognition Mechanisms at an institutional and regional level. 31 institutions across 13 countries over 2 continents are partnering up to drive institutional progress within management operations and the internationalization of higher education within the region.

News & Updates

The CALOHEA Project Team at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy (UMP) at Ho Chi Minh City met to summarise the scale and the scope of the Project to introduce to members of Faculty of Medicine as well as outlining possible activities for disseminating the CALOHEA Project and Framework within the Faculty of Medicine. Read more in UMP Faculty of Medicine Newsletter April-May 2024 (available in Vietnamese).

On 27 June 2024, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) organised the webinar “Lessons Learnt from The CALOHEA Project.” The webinar shared insights on the key lessons learnt from the CALOHEA Project, shedding light on the strategies to facilitate student mobility and credit transfer in the ASEAN region for the internationalisation of academic programmes through comparable and transferable learning outcomes. Watch the full recording of the webinar at the Centre for Development of Academic Excellence (CDAE) USM Youtube channel.

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), as a member of the CALOHEA Consortium and the host of the 6th CALOHEA National Meeting, has actively contributed to the progress and the dissemination of the CALOHEA Project. Read about UTM’s contribution to the CALOHEA Project on UTM Faculty of Engineering’s official CALOHEA Homepage.

This is a joint project falling under the Erasmus+ KA2 cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – capacity building
in the field of higher education. It is financially supported by the European Commission, coordinated
by The University of Groningen and co-coordinated by the ASEAN University Network.

This is a joint project falling under the Erasmus+ KA2 cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – capacity building in the field of higher education. It is financially supported by the European Commission, coordinated by The University of Groningen and co-coordinated by the ASEAN University Network.