Advancements of Higher Education of Viet Nam: a Look Back on CALOHEA

Advancements of Higher Education of Viet Nam: a Look Back on CALOHEA

On 1st of July 2024, in the first working day of The Eight General Meeting of CALOHEA, we, the representatives of Vietnam higher education institutions in Civil Engineering, Medicine and Teacher Education, had a warm discussion to review our experience of the past 4-year journey with CALOHEA. One of the important topics in our discussion…

CALOHEA Project Drives Internationalization and Outcome-Based Education in Thai Higher Education

CALOHEA Project Drives Internationalization and Outcome-Based Education in Thai Higher Education

Prince of Songkla University (PSU), Chulalongkorn University (CU), and Naresuan University (NSU) have embarked on a transformative journey through their participation in the CALOHEA (Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia) project. This initiative is pivotal for Thailand as it aligns with the country’s increasing emphasis on outcome-based education. The…

Policy Forum 2024 in Iloilo, the Philippines, highlights Student Workload Measurement and Authentic Assessment As Qualifications Drivers towards  Educational Excellence of Philippine HEIs

Policy Forum 2024 in Iloilo, the Philippines, highlights Student Workload Measurement and Authentic Assessment As Qualifications Drivers towards  Educational Excellence of Philippine HEIs

The “Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Asia”, or the CALOHEA Project, concluded in July 2024 after its 8th General Meeting. The project’s ending ushers a new chapter in promoting the efforts towards higher education qualifications transformation movement in the ASEAN region; participating institutions are now sharing and utilising the…

Philippine Universities Lead in Educational Innovation and Authentic Assessment

Philippine Universities Lead in Educational Innovation and Authentic Assessment

The Ateneo de Manila University (ADMU) at Quezon City, through the Gokongwei Brothers School of Education and Learning Design (GBSEALD), has been conducting teacher training which promotes the practice of authentic assessments in the last two years since it was founded in 2021. These training projects are on Adaptive Design for Learning and Ignatian Pedagogical…

CALOHEA Project Elevates Higher Education Standards in Malaysia: A Pathway to Internationalisation and Excellence

CALOHEA Project Elevates Higher Education Standards in Malaysia: A Pathway to Internationalisation and Excellence

The CALOHEA project is proving to be a game-changer for Malaysia’s higher education sector, particularly in Teacher Education, Medical Education and Civil Engineering, significantly enhancing the internationalisation and recognition of academic programs in these specific area groups (SAG). By focusing on Qualification Reference Framework of competency-based learning, student workload, and authentic assessment methods, the project…

The Impact of the CALOHEA Project in Fostering Higher Education Institution Recognition in LAO PDR

The Impact of the CALOHEA Project in Fostering Higher Education Institution Recognition in LAO PDR

The CALOHEA project plays an important role in fostering recognition of HEIs in Lao PDR. The RM1, RM2, and RM3 reflects the needs for revision of the current framework, student workload estimation, and implementation of authentic tasks of the HEIs in Lao PDR. With the rapid changing world, the academics are required to utilised various…

CALOHEA Tools Rolled Out in Indonesia: CALOHEA Qualifications and Assessment Reference Frameworks Adapted in the New Curriculum Guidelines and Student Workload Measure Integrated for Better Students’ Well-Being

CALOHEA Tools Rolled Out in Indonesia: CALOHEA Qualifications and Assessment Reference Frameworks Adapted in the New Curriculum Guidelines and Student Workload Measure Integrated for Better Students’ Well-Being

The CALOHEA Qualifications and Assessment Reference Frameworks have been adopted by The Board of Indonesian Civil Engineering Higher Education Communication (BICEHEC) in The Curriculum Guidelines 2023. The preparation of this guide involved Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November, Universitas Hasanuddin and Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia which are the Indonesian delegation to the CALOHEA Project. This guidebook has been…

ITC and SRU towards the Integration of CALOHEA Qualification Framework in Cambodia

ITC and SRU towards the Integration of CALOHEA Qualification Framework in Cambodia

Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) and Svay Rieng University (SRU) have opportunities to take part in the CALOHEA project funded by ERASMUS+ and European Union in order to contribute to the internationalization of higher education institutions in South-East Asia through developing a series of interrelated measures in three Key Recognition Mechanisms. The two institutions…

ASEAN Synergy: CALOHEA Project Towards Harmonizing Medical Education Practices

ASEAN Synergy: CALOHEA Project Towards Harmonizing Medical Education Practices

The CALOHEA project has made substantial strides in advancing medical education by promoting internationalisation and enhancing the recognition of higher education programs. Through its comprehensive approach, the project has addressed critical needs in medical education across ASEAN countries, benefiting students, faculty members, medical programs, institutions, and national educational frameworks. The project’s impact on students is…

Elevating Teacher Education Standards in Southeast Asia Through the CALOHEA Project

Elevating Teacher Education Standards in Southeast Asia Through the CALOHEA Project

The CALOHEA project is revolutionizing Teacher Education in Southeast Asia by enhancing internationalization and academic program recognition. By focusing on a Qualification Reference Framework of competency-based learning, student workload, and authentic assessment methods, the project aligns the educational system with global standards to meet the evolving needs of preservice teachers in the region. Incorporating competency-based…