Looking for tools to internationalise your Teacher Education programme? Use the CALOHEA Reference Framework as a benchmarking tool

Written by Prof. Dr.  Richard Jugar, CALOHEA Subject Area Group Coordinator; Maria Yarosh and Pablo Beneitone, CALOHEA Coordination Team

CALOHEA Regional Subject-Specific Qualifications Reference Framework in Teacher Education articulates key dimensions and sub-dimensions within any graduate’s profile and makes explicit what knowledge, skills and responsibilities correspond to each of the defined (sub-)dimensions. 

It has been developed by the University of San Carlos (the Philippines), the Sanata Dharma University (Indonesia), the Svay Rieng University (Cambodia), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Indonesia), the Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Malaysia), the University of San Agustin (the Philippines), the West Visayas State University (the Philippines), the Ateneo de Manila University (the Philippines), the Prince of Songkla University (Thailand), Chulalongkorn University (Thailand), the Nong Lam University – Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam), National University of Laos (Laos), and Souphanouvong University (Laos).

The final product reflects opinions of academics, graduates, and employers from different countries involved and it has been validated through focus group discussions and two rounds of National Dissemination Meetings held throughout 2023 in Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam (14 meetings in total).

The CALOHEA Teacher Education Reference Framework was developed through a multi-stage process involving fourteen (14) ASEAN universities and three (3) European partners. Both region-wide references (e.g., ASEAN Qualification Reference Framework, Southeast Asia Teacher Competency Framework) and country-specific teacher education related documents were used as bases for its development alongside input of the different stakeholders that include students, alumni, academics, administrators, and employers. The framework has undergone nine revision (9) cycles derived from multiple consultative activities that include five (5) subject-area meetings, twenty-eight (28) institutional consultation meetings, and fourteen (14) national dissemination meetings. The CALOHEA TEacher Education Reference Framework identifies a total of right (8) dimensions that holistically captures the different aspects of being a professional teacher in the Southeast Asian Context. As a regional framework, it can serve as a tool for Teacher Education Institutions in ASEAN in the process of preparing their respective programs for internationalisation. Moreover, teacher education institutions may still infuse their own characterising dimensions or sub-dimensions in the process of adapting the framework in their specific contexts.

To consult the CALOHEA Regional Subject-Specific Qualifications Reference Framework in Medicine, visit https://calohea.org/ 

The CALOHEA Erasmus+ project is coordinated by the Tuning Academy of the University of Groningen (the Netherlands) and the ASEAN University Network and is co-funded by the European Commission.