Successful 4th CALOHEA National Meeting Promotes Collaboration and Recognition in Cambodian Higher Education

The 4th CALOHEA National Meeting took place on 11-12 May 2023, at the Institute of Technology of Cambodia, marking another significant step in promoting collaboration and recognition within the higher education landscape. This two-day event brought together a diverse group of 292 participants, including academic staff, students, and representatives from various institutions and government agencies.

The first day of the meeting commenced with a policy dialogue, fostering insightful discussions on the future of higher education in Cambodia. During the policy dialogue, a diverse range of keynote speakers from Cambodia, including representatives from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Board of Engineers Cambodia, Accreditation Committee of Cambodia, employers of established Civil Engineering and Teacher Education institutions, and students from ITC, shared their valuable insights and experiences. The speakers shed light on various topics and engaged in discussions surrounding the prospects of student mobility in Cambodia.

Representatives from oversea CALOHEA Institutional Team, representatives of Institute of Technology of Cambodia, and Keynote Speakers of the 4th CALOHEA National Meeting

The session began with an overview of the Cambodian National Policy on Higher Education, emphasizing the goals outlined in the Higher Education Roadmap 2030, which focused on quality and relevance, access and equity, internationalization, governance, and finance. The speakers also highlighted global and regional trends in student mobility, providing a comprehensive understanding of the landscape in which Cambodia operates. Furthermore, they discussed the policies that support student mobility and the challenges faced by both students and institutions in implementing them.

One of the highlights of the policy dialogue was the personal experience shared by a former Cambodian student who studied in Paris. This firsthand account offered valuable insights into the opportunities and challenges encountered during an international exchange program. Additionally, a representative from LBL International, a Civil Engineering employer, provided their perspective on the benefits of student mobility and how it contributes to a well-rounded education and professional development.

Ms. Vong Pichvimean, Students of Institute of Technology of Cambodia, sharing her view on opportunity and challenges for student mobility based on the experience from her exchange program

On the second day, the focus shifted to workshops centered around the three recognition mechanisms. Participants actively participated in sessions exploring

Recognition Mechanism 1: Creation and use of Regional Subject-Specific Qualifications and Assessment Reference Frameworks
Recognition Mechanism 2: Student Workload Calculation
Recognition Mechanism 3: Authentic Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

Through interactive discussions and presentations, participants delved into the intricacies of these mechanisms and their implementation in the Cambodian higher education context.

The workshop sessions provided a platform for participants to share their expertise, exchange ideas, and offer valuable insights into the practical aspects of recognition mechanisms. The collective knowledge and experiences shared during these sessions will contribute to the ongoing development and refinement of the CALOHEA project, ultimately enhancing the recognition and quality of higher education in Cambodia.

Workshop session (Civil Engineering Subject Area Group) on 12 May 2023

The CALOHEA journey will continue with the 5th CALOHEA National Meeting at University of San Agustin on 18 – 19 May 2023, providing further opportunities for knowledge sharing, capacity building, and the advancement of recognition mechanisms.

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The recorded video of the Meeting can be accessed via AUN Secretariat’s Youtube Channel at