The CALOHEA Project premiered its first onsite assembly through the Fifth General Meeting during 21 – 23 November 2022, in Bangkok, Thailand. Despite the four preceding General Meetings being fully conducted online, the fifth CALOHEA General Meeting successfully gathered 85 participants from 7 ASEAN countries, namely Cambodia, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand, and…

General meeting 4, 21-22 April 2022

The Fourth General Meeting was held online and organised in two days. Day 1 allowed Subject Area Groups to review the work done on Recognition Mechanisms 1 &2 (in the plenary). Day 1 Subject Area specific sessions were used to agree on the next steps for validating Regional Subject-Specific Qualifications Reference frameworks with Graduates and…

General meeting 3, 15-16 December 2021

During the Third General Meeting the work on Recognition Mechanism 2: Instalment of the culture of student workload measurement as an integral part of curriculum design, was officially launched. Desk estimation and consultation about the student workload – the first two tools to be applied – were discussed in detail in the Plenary session. After…

General meeting 2, 15 July 2021

The Second General Meeting focused on Recognition Mechanism 1: Creation and use of Regional Subject-Specific Qualifications and Assessment Reference Frameworks  to permit greater comparability of institutional degree programme profiles. Draft of the Frameworks that brought together inputs from all the institutional proposals were shared and discussed. The first steps of the Validation process – consultation…

General meeting 1: Kick-Off, 9-10 March 2021

During this first meeting the CALOHEA project was officially launched. The meeting began with an opening by Project Coordinator Prof.Robert Wagenaar and the AUN Executive Director Dr. Choltis Dhirathiti. Furthermore, the first project activities in Line 1were presented and the SAG Coordinators were introduced. The meeting had an online format due to the Covid-19 pandemic….